Pindahan blog:

Sudah sekitar 10 tahun lamanya blog ini dibuat. Saya masih ingat betul, pertama kali blog ini dibangun adalah ketika saya masih duduk di bangku SMP dan aktif menggunakan internet, dengan akses yang tidak semudah dan semurah sekarang. Beruntungnya, saya masih dapat mengakses blog ini dengan nama alamat lain hingga alamat yang sekarang digunakan (walaupun mirip dengan nama politisi sebelah, uhuk). Terhitung sejak 2008, blog ini mendapat 11000+ hits dan masih terus bertambah hampir setiap harinya, walaupun kurang dari 10 bahkan 5 visit dalam sehari.

Setelah selang 1 tahun dari tulisan terakhir saya, saya memutuskan untuk membangun blog sendiri yang bersifat self-hosted, dengan alasan agar lebih mudah untuk dicari dan lebih eksklusif tanpa perlu terbatas dengan fitur

Dengan ini, saya akan migrasi dari blog ini dan pindah ke blog baru saya di sini. Terima kasih bagi yang pernah mengunjungi maupun mengikuti blog saya. Mari pindah rumah!

elementary OS 0.4 “Loki” Review

elementary OS Logo

Setelah satu tahun lebih tidak menulis, saya mencoba untuk menulis lagi disini, paling tidak ada satu tulisan untuk tahun ini 😀 Kali ini, saya ingin me-review elementary OS 0.4 “Loki” yang baru saja dirilis beberapa hari lalu.

Sekadar informasi, elementary OS adalah Distro Linux turunan dari Ubuntu yang menggunakan Desktop Environment buatan mereka sendiri, yaitu Pantheon. elementary OS juga merupakan salah satu Distro Linux yang menurut saya memiliki tampilan elegan, simple, dan enak dipandang mata ketimbang distro-distro lainnya yang mayoritas tampilannya terkesan kurang “kekinian“.

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#MozBooth at Open House Unit ITB 2015


Annually, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) arranges an event that introduce its student club to the freshmen that aims to recruit new member and facilitate every ITB students based on their interest. On this event, Mozilla Indonesia Community runs a booth to recruit more people who are interested in joining Firefox Student Ambassadors program, and also introducing the new Webmaker App for Android.

Bimo (FSA ITB) promoting the Firefox Student Ambassadors Program. Photo by Irsyad

During the event, I was helped by Rep and FSAs: Fauzan Alfi (Mozilla Reps), Hanfie Vandanu (FSA, Institut Teknologi Bandung), Bimo Aryo (FSA, Institut Teknologi Bandung), and Irsyad Riandri (FSA, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia).

Arrange the Puzzlebox into HTML Tag in a minute! Photo by Irsyad
Arrange the Puzzlebox into HTML Tag in a minute! Photo by Irsyad

Mozilla Indonesia Community was presenting a variety of activities during the event. We have #MozBooth where visitors can find out more about Mozilla and its projects, especially FSA Programs and Webmaker App for Android, HTML Puzzle Box Challenge, where visitors can learn HTML by playing the puzzle box and winning some stickers, and Social Media Challenge, by tweeting their experience about Mozilla’s Product. We also introduce the newly released Webmaker App for Android to the visitors and demo-ing the app.

Arranging HTML Puzzlebox. Photo by Irsyad
Arranging HTML Puzzlebox. Photo by Irsyad

Our #Mozbooth mostly visited by the students who are curious with FSA Programs and HTML Puzzle Box challenges. We’ve got about 30 students who are interested to join the FSA Programs from this event. Our booth was also visited by radio club there. And they are so interested about our community and Mozilla’s mission. In the end of the event, we announce the winner of the Social Media Challenge and we’ve got one winner.

Social Media Challenge Winner. Photo by me
Social Media Challenge Winner. Photo by me

I would like to say thanks to my mentor Irayani Queencyputri for all the advises to prepare this event and Fauzan, also fellow FSAs: Hanfie, Bimo, and Irsyad, that helps me to organize this event.

Thank you!

#HackBDG – Mozilla Webmaker Workshop

This is very-late post since i have some serious problem to my health condition.

Here we go..

We’re holding our “#HackBDG – Mozilla Webmaker Workshop” event on 6th September 2014. The event also part of Maker Party, the Mozilla’s global campaign to teach the Web.

In this event, there are 3 Mozilla Reps joining. They are Muhammad Fadhil (me as event host), Fauzan Alfi, and Risman Rangga Pratama. There are 22 participant from around Bandung also joining this event, mostly student that also have a background in CS and Education. Things that we covered in the event are updates from Mozilla and it’s projects, Introduction to Webmaker + Demo of the Tools, and hack-the-web activity. Before we start, we do a spectrogram with Smart City and Internet as the topic, which is quite popular discussion in Bandung.

As usual, after the spectrogram session, we tell the participant to write down what their hope at the event on Post-It, and stick it to the “tree-of-hope”. Most of them wants to know more about Webmaker and how to contribute.

The tree of hope. Photo by Fauzan


I started with an Intro about Mozilla and all it’s projects including the updates. Then i continue with Intro about Mozilla Webmaker and it’s tools. We are demo-ing how to use the Webmaker Tools. In this session, we use X-Ray Goggles, Thimble, Popcorn Maker, and App Maker. The participant looks excited and try to hack the web with those tools.

Explaining about Mozilla and it’s projects. Photo by Fauzan
Participant is looking how Webmaker tools works. Photo by Fauzan.

After the demo, we split the participant into a group to make a hack using Webmaker tools and do the hacking session. In this session, we tell that they must make at least 3 makes from 4 Webmaker tools with the theme “Your Dream Smart City”. This is really challenging to the participant to explore their creativity to make the Smart City of their version.

Group Discussion. Photo by Fauzan.
Group Discussion. Photo by Fauzan.

In the end of session, they presenting what they have done with their makes and share the result.

One of the group is presenting their makes. Photo by Fauzan

There is so many brilliant idea that can implemented on the real life too! Many of them have creative idea about smart city which is possible to implemented in real life. After the presentation, we end it with group photo.

Group Photo!
Group Photo!

I would like to say thanks to my mentor Irayani Queencyputri for all the advises to prepare this event and the fellow reps Fauzan, and Risman, that helps me to organize this event, and Telkomsel for supporting this event and provided the high-speed internet connection and the room for us to use. Without your help, i wouldn’t be able to organize this event. Thank you!


And here is the makes that have done in the event:

Group 1:
Popcorn Maker:

Group 2:
Thimble & X-Ray Goggles:
Popcorn Maker:

Group 3:
X-Ray Goggles:
Popcorn Maker:

Group 4:
X-Ray Goggles:
Popcorn Maker:

#MozKopdarBDG June 2014

On 22nd June 2014, we’re holding our #MozKopdarBDG in 2014. In this event, there are 6 Mozilla Reps joining. They are Muhammad Fadhil (me as event host), Fauzan Alfi, Risman Rangga Pratama, Irayani Queencyputri, Shinta Setiawan, Dian Ina Mahendra. There are 22 participant from around Bandung also joining this event. Things that we covered in the event are updates from Mozilla and it’s projects, The Web We Want, Firefox OS, Webmaker + info about Maker Party, and Firefox Student Ambassadors. Before we start, we do a spectrogram and the topic is all-about-Internet.

Spectrogram! Photo by Rara
The participant is thinking about the statement given by the fellow Reps in spectrogram. Photo by Rara
Spectrogram. Photo by Rara
The participant is thinking about the statement given by the fellow Reps in spectrogram. Photo by Rara

After the spectrogram, we have a lunch before go to the main event, and tell the participant to write down what their hope at the event on Post-It and stick it to the “tree-of-hope”.

Tree of Hope
Everyone is sticking their hope in the “tree of hope”. Photo by Rara
Tree of Hope! Photo by Rara
Tree of Hope! Photo by Rara

I started with an Intro about Mozilla and all it’s projects. Then i continue with The Web We Want. I’m showing the Web We Want Website and explaining about the site. I also give an opportunity to participant to share about the whole point given by The Web We Want website. Most of them have a strong argument about each point. After that, i continue to talk about L10N and explaining about the program and it’s opportunity. I also announce that we have 3 Indonesian cultural language included on the L10N project.

Me giving a talk about Mozilla and it’s project. Photo by Rara

Then, Risman give a talk about Firefox OS. He explain about the whole ecosystem of Firefox OS, and how to start learning or make an app for Firefox OS and it’s opportunity.

Risman giving a talk and explaining Firefox OS. Photo by Rara

After that, Fauzan gave a talk about Webmaker + info about Maker Party event. We also showing the “Makes” from event #MozBelajar in Jakarta to show what Webmaker can do and motivate the audience that learn to make a Web is fun and easy with Webmaker. And continued by Firefox Student Ambassadors program, Fauzan also explain what is the opportunity and how to get involved with the program.

Fauzan giving a talk about Webmaker and Firefox Student Ambassadors program. Photo by Fauzan
Fauzan giving a talk about Webmaker and Firefox Student Ambassadors. Photo by Fauzan

Then we have a Q&A sessions and most of them asked about Firefox, L10N, and Firefox OS. All of them feels excited and as always, we end it with photo group. I really excited and happy because of this event, Reps, FSA, and the participant who new to Mozilla is more knowing each other and have a same mission, for the better Web.

Group Photo MozKopdarBDG
Group Photo Time! Photo by Rara
Group Photo MozKopdarBDG
Group Photo Time! Photo by Rara

I would like to say thanks to my mentor Irayani Queencyputri and the fellow Reps: Fauzan Alfi, Risman Rangga Pratama, Shinta Setiawan, and Dian Ina, that helps me to organize this event, and Telkomsel for supporting this event and provided the high-speed internet connection and the room for us to use. Without your help, i wouldn’t be able to organize this great event. Thanks!

#MozKopdarBDG December 2012

Finally, i have succeed to held the #MozKopdarBDG event on Saturday, 15th December 2012. MozKopdar event is based on MozCoffee concept, which MozKopdar is localized version of “MozCoffee”. We hosted this event in Clio Cafe & Resto, Bandung, Indonesia. This is a monthly meetup for Mozillians in Bandung and people who interested about Mozilla projects. In this meetup, I, Fauzan Alfi, and Risman Rangga talk about Firefox OS, L10N, Mozilla Webmaker, and Mozilla WebFWD. Continue reading

Review: Windows 8 RTM

Sebenarnya, saya sempat menggunakan Windows 8 dari versi Developer, Consumer, dan Release Preview. Hingga akhirnya saya dapat menggunakan versi RTM sekarang. Selama ini saya cukup takjub melihat apa yang diberikan Microsoft pada Windows 8 dimana ini merupakan suatu perubahan besar atau “overhaul” dari Windows seri-seri sebelumnya. Mengapa? Karena pada Windows 8 ini, segalanya sudah dibuat lebih mudah lagi dari seri-seri sebelumnya. Bahkan, Windows 8 diklaim dapat berjalan pada Tablet PC sehingga hampir setiap tampilannya dibuat seperti semi-tablet.Dalam kesempatan ini, saya mengulas hal-hal seputar Windows 8 yang sudah berstatus RTM ini. Continue reading